A Botswana registered company in possession of a Certificate of Incorporation
A Botswana Unified Revenue Service (BURS) company registered with specific TIN Number.
A company that has existed for at-least 3 years and able to demonstrate 3 years of financial figures
Have a minimum of 1 year of export experience with clear commitment, or in the process of developing an Export Plan and allocated resources to export.
Should satisfy all requirements of export readiness checklist (include the checklist as part of the document)
The company should be a product manufacturer, including SMME’s or service provider and this can also be an Industry Association representing at-least 5 Botswana Companies
The company should have a company profile detailing the company production capacity and ability to meet new orders and in possession of relevant certification, licenses and standards (where applicable).
In agreement and willing to sign a Participation Contract.
Eligible companies should have sufficient turnover and personnel amounting to and or assets equivalent to:
P500 000.00
For Medium Companies
P500 000.00
For Developed Comanies
Your company should be subjected to the BED Programme or meets the BITC Export Promotion Eligibility Criteria
A solid business strategy or Export Plan or in the process of developing for business strategy or Export Plan entering the target market(s)
In agreement and willing to submit required reports and information to BITC on request