Brand Botswana

Brand Botswana is the custodian of the Pride Mark; Botswana’s national brand. It is a single identity and an agreed set of values, created to stimulate stronger communities, culture and heritage. It’s purpose is to instil a greater sense of pride and community engagement in our country.

Administratively, Brand Botswana is responsible for the:

  • development and management of the overall branding, marketing and promotion of the country
  • coordination of branding, marketing and promotions by key national stakeholders such as tourism, export, investment, government entities
  • authorisation to appraise Brand Botswana stakeholder activities, behaviours and communications for compliance with national brand strategy and call stakeholders into account management and licensing of the Botswana brand logo (Pride mark)
  • management of the PushaBW campaign
The Pride Mark
The ‘Pride Mark’ is a symbol of a commitment by an individual or group in Botswana to instill pride in the community. It links to the overall Essence of ‘Pride and Progress’ and the Brand Botswana Blueprint.

Each activity or product that carries the Mark carries the responsibility of delivering positive social outcomes, demonstrate the values of peace, progress, trust & inclusivity, and should support the essence of Brand Botswana. One cannot simply use the Pride Mark without applying for permission for it’s use, as it carries a responsibility. Each application to use the Mark will be required to show how the proposed product, activity or project actively supports each of Brand Botswana’s and the Pride Marks values.
Find out more about Brand Botswana.